Saturday, February 4, 2017

American politics debates II: Trump agenda, political polarization and gun control

The state of American politics

We continue with our series of debates on American politics. The new incumbent to the White House has certainly generated much media attention. Some people are pleased with the "hyper activity" of Donald Trump and his executive orders. Other people are claiming that his decisions are extremely dangerous for the future of the US and world stability. Immigration, individual freedom, the environment, financial regulation, and international relations among other policy areas that are more likely going to be affected by Donald Trump's strategy.

On The Best Debates we want to invite you to join some of the online debates that mirror all these big public discussions and hope that you can constructively contribute to it. These are 3 of the more interesting:

  • What issues should President Trump prioritize?

Donald Trump mentioned many different issues during the electoral campaign. Moreover, there are other big challenges that America will need to address sooner or later. This online poll and debate ask you to decide among a list of problems, which ones in your opinion should be prioritized by the Government such as: restoring middle-class purchase power and economic security, illegal immigration, gun crime, Islamic terrorism, instability and war in the Middle-East, climate change and environmental problems. Is you want to join the poll and debate on the major issues for the future of the USA, click here

  • What is the main cause of political polarization in America?

This debate is based on a lecture at the London School of Economics and Politcal Science by Professor Peter Trubowitz. On this online discussion you are expected to argue which is the main cause for the growing political polarization in the USA. The debate suggests three major causes such as the lack of a strong external enemy, growing social inequality and the action of some political actors who have radicalized their claims for electoral gains. If you want to find out what the majority of the people think is the main cause for political polarization, or want to share your views, you can check this debate out here.

  • Should guns be banned in America?

Gun control and gun violence became central issues in the Trump vs Clinton election battle. One of Donald Trump's promises was to protect the right to bear arms. However there are many experts that believe that banning guns is the best way to reduce violence in America. Gun violence declined in the late 1990s and early 2000s but now it is in an upward trend. In 2013, firearms caused 11,208 deaths by homicide, 21,175 deaths by suicide, and 505 deaths by accidental discharge. There are currently about 310 million guns in America. Do you think that banning guns or restricting further gun possession is a good idea? If you are interested in the problem of gun crime and gun control join this debate.

We hope you like the selection of debates we propose to you. Thanks for following us!

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