Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Animal protection I: should we ban zoos, circuses, animal testing and exotic pets?

To what extent we need to care about animals? Shouldn't we prioritize human welfare?

There are many interesting online debates tackling the very important issue of animal protection. People are increasingly concerned about animal rights and we are aware that animals suffer because of human intervention.

This is a list of some of interesting online debates involving animal protection you can find currently on the Internet. I hope you join some or all of them:

  • Should animals be kept in zoos? 

Animal cruelty or protection? This debate deals with the pros and cons of zoos and ask people to vote on wether zoos should be banned or not.
ban zoosZoos are extremely popular, over 180 million people visit zoos and aquariums in the US every year. However, an increasing number of animal rights advocates and animal protection organizations are criticizing the role of zoos in modern societies. There are many pros and cons that you may want to consider when joining this debate. For instance, zoos allow finding out cure for animals' diseases and prevent extinction of some species. They are also great to get children understand and love animals. On the other hand animals suffer captivity and develop psychological and physical traumas. Diseases are also spread in zoos. Would you support a ban on zoos? Join the debate here

  • Is animal testing necessary?

Animal testing is very controversial, in particular in the cosmetics industry. Animal testing is probably the darkest sides of the beauty industry. Animals are used to test the effectiveness and safety
animal testing
of cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. Rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, monkeys and other animals are used in laboratories every day. Activists and NGOs are conducting campaigns against animal testing. They consider that most of these tests are unnecessary and animals in labs are treated in cruel ways. Moreover they argue that cosmetics are not integral to human health and that vanity should not justify animal cruelty. Some countries have already banned animal research for cosmetic purposes. However banning animal testing may hinder innovation and put in danger the safety of consumers. What should we do? Join this poll and debate here

  • Should animals be banned from circuses?

Lions, monkeys, horses and elephants, lions have been part of circus performances for decades.
ban circuses
Before the invention of the television and the Internet, the circus was the only opportunity for most people to contemplate some animals. Moreover, children usually love zoos and are thrilled to contemplate animals doing their amazin tricks. However, animal rights organizations argue that animals in zoos routinely suffer abuses and neglect. They also explain that animals in circus live in small cages and endure many trips. The facilities of zoos are even worse than those in zoos. People working is circuses claim that animals in zoos develop very special bonds with their trainers and that these animals do much physical exercise which is good for their health. In your opinion, should animals be banned from circuses? You can participate in this poll and debate clicking on this link

  • Exotic animals as pets, yes please or no thanks?

This is also a very controversial debate, and as the other debates above, it has divided animal lovers into two camps. For many people exotic animals are something extremely cool. So having a spider, snake, monkey or lizard as a pet is simply a way to show love for the the animal. Owners of exotic animals show their love also through the effort they put into acquiring and taking care of their pet. However, other animal lovers think that allowing exotic pets is bad. Keeping exotic animals as pets threatens public health and safety as well as animal welfare. Wild animals can spread diseases and harm children. Moreover, by allowing exotic animals can be kept as pets, we are creating a market and an incentive for poachers and other people who endanger wildlife.
Join this public discussion here

If you find interesting these public discussions please invite others to participate in these debates and follow us. Through public deliberation we can learn and make others understand how difficult are some political and regulatory decisions.

For the second part of this series: Animal protection II: on gorillas, dolphins and foie gras, click here

Thank you!

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