Saturday, January 7, 2017

Animal protection II: Ban foie gras? Gorillas in zoos? Dolphins in captivity?

We continue our selection of interesting debates based on animal rights and animal protection. If you love animals and are interested in why we humans often abuse them you should probably join these public debates and polls. It is an excellent way to learn more about this very relevant issues and at the same time you will have the chance to help raise awareness and defend certain ideas.

  • Should foie gras be banned?

Foie gras is a delicacy with a long history and very typical in Christmas in some countries. Although the product has been associated historically with France, its origins can be traced back to Ancieht Egypt. However, the the cruelty in the force-feeding process used in its production makes foie gras an extremely controversial food.  Foie gras is a delicatessen made of the liver of a duck or a goose which has been fattened following an extremely painful process. Usually by regularly force-feeding corn with a long tube (20–30 cm) (gavage in French). As a result of this fattening process the liver of the goose or duck swells to about 500g, 10 times its normal weight. But is it necessary a to prohibit foie gras consumption?
In some countries such as Spain, foie gras is now being produced following more ethical natural feeding techniques. Should countries follow the example of California and prohibit its commecialization? If you want to join the poll and debate follow this link.

  • Should gorillas be banned in zoos?

The lowland and mountain gorillas are endangered species. Gorillas are the largest primates on Earth and among the most intelligent animals (second heaviest brain after humans). Gorillas have also dilplayed great ability to use simple tools and weapons. Some gorillas in captivity have developed extraordinary communication skills. But why have them in captivity in zoos? Isn't this another example of animal cruelty and unnecessary suffering? 
The incident in which a gorilla was shot deat at the Cincinnati Zoo after a 4 year old boy felt into its enclosure brought back the debate that gorillas should be banned in zoos. 
Zoos keep help educate children and contribute to the reproduction of animals and, thus, to the survival of some species. Zoos may be the only way to avoid the total extinction of the mountain gorillas. In fact many gorillas are born in captivity, in zoos. On the other hand, zoos create an incentive for poachers to capture more gorillas. Many gorillas have been removed from their natural environment, sold and shipped to be displayed in a cage far away. Should zoos keep the right to display gorillas despite the suffering for the animals? Should we ban zoos from displaying them? If you want to join this public discussion click here.

  • Should dolphins be kept in captivity?

There are many similarities between the case of the gorillas and that of the dolphins. Dolphins are also extremely intelligent, possibly the most intelligent animals on Earth.  They display impressive skills in the wild and in captivity. There are some arguments in favor of the existence of dolphinariums. For instance, some types of dolphins are endangered species and dolphinariums fight actively to preserve them. Almost half of the dolphins in captivity today have never swimmed free in the oceans. Dolphinariums foster people's love for dolphins and help raising awareness their problems. Moreover, they raise funding for to protect dolphins rights. Moreover, 
Dolphins are very sociable animals and they also enjoy the games and shows and their interactions with the visitors. However, there are also many arguments against keeping dolphins in dolphinariums. Dolphins in the oceans are used to travel long distances, in tanks dolphins don't have the opportunity to exercise as much. Dolphins often end up suffering depression after being separated from their families and previous groups.  There are many aggressions among dolphins in captivity (in the oceans they often abandon the group, in captivity they cannot). Moreover, dolphin hunting causes suffering and death to many dolphins. Usually the dolphins that don't match the aesthetic criteria from dolphinariums are killed. Should dolphinariums be banned? If you want to discuss this issue and find more about what people think, click here.

We hope you participate in the public deliberations above and you invite others to join these discussions. Remember that dialogue and knowledge exchange is the best way to change our society!

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